Видеоурок «Traditional English meals. Традиционная английская еда»
В разделе Английский язык 13 уроков
§ 1  Traditional English meals

Hello, my dear friends! Are you hungry? If your answer is ‘yes’, you’d better go and have a snack! Hurry up! You shouldn’t be very hungry now, because we’re going to talk about traditional English meals. So, take a cup of tea and a sandwich, and listen.

Traditionally, people in Great Britain usually have four meals a day. They are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. They do it almost like Russian people, don’t they?

When do you usually have breakfast? English breakfast is about 7- 8 o’clock in the morning.

A full English cooked breakfast is a tradition. If you have time, you can cook it. Besides, you should have more time to eat it. Why? It’s because traditional breakfast is very big! Look! It consists of fried eggs with beckon or sausages, beans or fried tomato and toast. In old times it was enough for long hours of hunting or hiking. Nowadays it is not easy to eat so much ‘on the run’! So, most of the people prefer to eat something simple: porridge, bread with butter and marmalade. Marmalade is made from oranges. Sometimes they also eat bread with butter and jam. And don’t forget about tea, juice or coffee!

People in the Great Britain usually have lunch at 1 o’clock. Soup is a very good starter for lunch. Many Englishmen love their soups, because they are tasty. Though, they may be very unusual to us: watercress soup, chestnut soup and others. After soup comes some meat or chicken with potatoes, fried or boiled vegetables. Fish and chips are also very popular. The English have a sweet tooth. Puddings are the most wonderful desserts for them. They also like tarts and apple pies. Then Englishmen drink coffee or tea with milk.

English people have their tea between 4 and 5 o’clock. They drink tea with special treats: biscuits, a slice of cake or a bun. It is a very pleasant tradition.

At about 7 o’clock all the family usually comes home from work. It is time for dinner. People have more time to sit comfortably together at the table and relax. They usually eat fish or meat with vegetables. If people feel tired after work and don’t want to cook, they can buy ‘take away’ meals at the restaurant and eat it at home.

And, of course, meals and mealtime are not the same in all English families. In the evening some people have a cool meal. They may call it ‘high tea’ or supper. While other people the main meal in the evening call ‘dinner’.

Do you remember what English people eat during the day?

Вы запомнили, что англичане едят в течение дня?

1. fried eggs with beckon – яичницасбеконом

2. sausages – сосиски

3. beans – фасоль

4. toast – гренки

5. porridge – каша

6. bread with butter and marmalade – хлебсмасломиповидлом

7. watercresssoup – суп из кресс-салата

8. chestnutsoup – суп с каштанами

9. meatwithpotatoes – мясо с картофелем

10. fish with vegetables - рыбасовощами

11. fishandchips – рыба с жареным картофелем

12. chicken with potatoes – курицаскартофелем

13. fried or boiled vegetables – жареныеиливареныеовощи

14. pudding – пудинг

15. tart – торт

16. apple pie – яблочныйпирог

17. biscuits – печенье

18. a cake – пирожное

19. a bun –булочка

§ 2  Лексика по теме урока

And now, let’s learn some new words and expressions.

А теперь, давайте познакомимся с новыми словами и выражениями.

1. Are you hungry? – Вы голодны?

2.You’d better go and have a snack! – Вам лучше пойти и перекусить.

3. People in Great Britain usually have four meals a day. – Люди в Великобритании обычно едят четыре раза в день.

4. A full English cooked breakfast is a tradition. – Полный английский приготовленный завтрак – это традиция.

5. It consists of fried eggs with beckon or sausages, beans or fried tomato and toast. – Он состоит из яичницы с беконом или сосисками, фасоли или жареных помидоров и гренок.

6. In old times it was enough for long hours of hunting or hiking. – В старые времена этого было достаточно для долгих часов охоты или ходьбы пешком.

7. …to eat ‘on the run’ – есть «на бегу».

8. …prefer to eat something simple- предпочитают есть что-нибудь простое.

9. Marmalade is made from oranges – повидло делают из апельсинов.

10. Soup is a very good starter for lunch – Суп – хорошее начало ланча.

11. The English have a sweet tooth. – Англичане – сладкоежки.

12. teawithspecialtreats – чай со специальным угощением.

13. Peoplehavemoretimetositcomfortablytogetheratthetableandrelax. – У людей больше времени устроиться поудобнее вместе за столом и расслабиться.

14. They can buy ‘take away’ meals at the restaurant and eat it at home. – Они могут купить готовую «еду на вынос» в ресторане и съесть ее дома.

15. …meals and mealtime are not the same in all families. – Еда и время еды не одинаковы в во всех семьях.

16. …acoolmeal – прием холодной (не разогретой) пищи.

17. Theymaycallit ‘hightea’ orsupper. – Они могут назвать его вечерним чаем или ужином.

18. Whileotherpeoplethemainmealintheeveningcall ‘dinner’. – В то время как другие люди называют главный вечерний прием пиши «обедом».

Список использованной литературы:
  1. Английский язык. Enjoy English. Английский с удовольствием. 5 класс. Учебник. ФГОС, 2014 г. Биболетова М.З и др.
  2. Английский язык. Enjoy English. Английский с удовольствием. 5 класс. Рабочая тетрадь № 1. ФГОС, 2014 г. Биболетова М.З и др.
  3. CD-ROM. Английскийязык. Enjoy English. Английский с удовольствием. 5 класс. Обучающая компьютерная программа к учебнику “Enjoy English” для 5-го класса (версия 2.0). ФГОС, 2013 г. Биболетова М.З. и др.
  4. New Round-Up . Учебник по грамматике. Часть 4. Издательство: PearsonLongmanАвторы : VirginiaEvans, JennyDooley.
  5. Грамматика английского языка. 7 издание. Издательство: Каро. Автор: Голицынский Ю.Б.
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